It’s Queen’s Day in the Netherlands
Hallo HALbloggers,
Today, April 30, is marking the Netherlands’ national holiday Konninginen dag (Queen’s day). Today we celebrate the birthday of Queen Beatrix. It’s not Her Majesty’s official birthday, she was born on January 31, 1938. April 30 was the birthday of Her Majesty’s mother, Queen Juliana. When Queen Juliana abdicated, Her Majesty ordered that April 30 stays Queen’s Day to honor her mother and much-loved Queen Juliana.
This year will also mark the 30th jubilee of Her Majesty’s inauguration on April 30, 1980 (Dutch Kings/Queens are inaugurated instead of being crowned).
Watch this if you are interested in the inauguration ceremony:
Queen’s Day is celebrated with traditional free markets. People can sell their used stuff on the streets (compare it to a yard sale). There are large parties with live music, old Dutch games, funfair and fire works. Also, special orange colored pastries are made. And a liqueur Oranje Bitter is drunk. Traditionally people wear something in the color orange. Actually, for foreign tourists it must look as if the Dutch have orange fever.
On the day itself Her Majesty and her family visit two cities to celebrate Queen’s Day with the people. It is broadcast on national television.
Happy Queens Day/Gelukkige Koninginnendag!