Qaqortoq, Greenland
Activity Level
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 1½ Hours
Meals Included
Meals not included
Greenlanders celebrate many events -- a child's first tooth, first step, first six months, first day at school, and confirmation -- with a large kaffemik. What is this? It's a gathering for coffee or tea and cake shared with family, friends and neighbors.
Today, you will visit a private home to experience a kaffemik. Your guide welcomes you to step inside and shares with you an example of beautiful Greenlandic National Dress. Don't miss an enlightening demonstration of how the clothing is made and sewn.
Tea, coffee and cake are served in the Greenlandic spirit -- perfect for those wishing to experience a cultural exchange with indigenous local people.
Please ask before taking photos in this private Greenlandic home. You must remove your shoes when entering the home. Tour requires up to 30 minutes of walking and additional standing. Terrain includes even and uneven surfaces, steps and steep inclines. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Not advisable for guests using a wheelchair or for those with mobility limitations.