Catch Up With the Crew: Meet Step One Dance Company

Six people smile in group photo on stage with blue backlighting.

When you cruise with Holland America Line, you’ll feel energized, uplifted and delighted by the sights, sounds and experiences of world-class entertainment. Breathtaking performances by our Step One Dance Company are just one example. When they take center stage, you’ll embark on a journey with them through fantasy, light and beautiful human emotion – all with incredible music and exceptional choreography. We recently caught up with some of the performers aboard the Eurodam to share what it’s like to cruise the world with Holland America Line as elite entertainers.   

Meet Bryce, Jack, Lily, Hanna, Becky and Maverick 

They’re literally quick on their feet and so much fun to watch, and if you ask them what they love most about cruising with Holland America Line, it’s a unanimous response: the people. 

“The guests are really nice on Holland America Line cruises,” Maverick said. “They’re very interactive, and it seems like everyone’s always having a great time. They’re also very receptive to us, and every time we see them, they just seem to love the shows.”  

Hanna agrees. “Everyone has been very complimentary, kind and generous. Being a part of the Step One Dance Company is sort of breaking barriers a bit with the performances we put on. We blend tech, dance and movement to create an interactive experience for guests. We’re also performing works by a lot of really well-respected choreographers. It’s physically challenging and very fulfilling to perform these works, and I definitely think that’s specific to Holland America Line in my experience.” 

Hanna serves as the dance captain for the ship’s company, and she can’t say enough wonderful things about the talented performers that have become her family on board. 

“I feel so grateful to be able to share the stage with them,” she said. “Every time I go out there, they’re all so unbelievably talented that it really pushes me to be the best dancer I can be, and they’re all just so kind and receptive, which I’m very grateful for.” 

Six dancers perform on stage with teal and pink lighting above and behind them.
Step One Dance Company lights up the stage during a performance aboard the Eurodam.

A Day in the Life of Our Dancers 

Mornings typically include a trip to the gym for cardio, weight training or yoga followed by the sauna to soothe muscles. If they need a caffeine boost, they may grab some coffee and catch up on communication with friends and family before heading to the Lido Market for lunch. 

Depending on the timing of their first show, Becky, Hanna and Lily will get started on their hair and makeup before meeting with the rest of the team to watch the previous week’s shows for revisions on things like spacing and steps. They’ll also do a tech run to ensure lighting and sound cues are good to go. After that they have about an hour before call time, so they’ll grab a quick bite to eat or start warming up.  

We also ‘pass the pulse’ where we stand in a circle, take a deep breath as a group and squeeze each other’s hands to pass the energy around to ground and connect us,” Hanna said. It’s a sweet moment they like to share as a team before taking center stage.  

There’s a lot of activity backstage with frequent costume changes and running back and forth, but they said it’s so much fun. After the shows, they’ll clean up their costumes and grab a bite to eat before unwinding for the night.  

Performers on stage hold hands before taking a bow.
The Step One Dance Company receives a standing ovation at the end of their performance aboard the Eurodam.

Nurturing Their Craft & Staying Centered 

Many members of the Step One Dance Company have been nurturing their craft since they were children. Jack and Bryce both started dancing when they were five years old. Jack then began homeschooling when he was 12 so he could focus more time on the art of performance. 

“I also started dancing at quite a young age,” Lily said. “To start off, it was more of a hobby. When I got to the age of 16, I started taking it more seriously.”  

Becky nodded in agreement. “I started when I was eight as a hobby. At 16, I went into professional training.” 

Hanna joked that she was basically dancing in the womb, and everyone laughed while noting that was absolutely believable, knowing Hanna as well as they do. “My mother was my teacher, and as soon as I could walk, I ended up in a ballet class and have been dancing ever since.” 

Maverick took a different path to cultivating his talent. “I was a bit of a late start compared to everyone else here,” he said. “I started when I was 14 in high school because I was really into theater. They told me if I was into theater, I should probably take some dance classes as well, so I was not dancing out of the womb like Hanna,” he said jokingly. 

When asked what advice they would offer for those considering dance as a career, Lily and Becky didn’t hesitate to share some tips. 

“Definitely become a versatile dancer and train hard in all different styles,” Lily said. “Remember that everyone is on their journey. You don’t have to compare yourself to anything you see on social media and things like that.” 

“I second that because there’s so much diversity in dance styles in the shows,” Becky said. “Being as versatile as you can be is the best thing. Also, build up a really good dance reel that showcases who you are as a performer. That can be really helpful for the casting team.” 

As dedicated performers who love sailing the seas, they also noted the importance of self-care. Being on board for months at a time is an incredible experience, and it’s also an opportunity to find what centers you and helps you relax. 

“Find a daily routine with structure and do things you enjoy,” Jack said. “Get out and see amazing ports when you can.” 

Bryce agreed about the importance of a self-care routine. “I really enjoy the gym, hot tub and sauna. With all those things available, it’s pretty easy to feel refreshed.” 

Surprising & Delighting Guests Through Dance 

The investment this crew has put into their craft has helped them become the elite dancers they are, and it shows when the lights dim and they begin to move to beautiful melodies.  

“Our dances are a celebration of humanity and movement,” Hanna said. “Guests can expect a lot of different styles of dance that will keep you on your toes.” 

When they’re on stage, every dance takes you on a journey. Their grace, beauty and art will touch your heart and have you in standing ovation every time. 

Now for a Quick Cruise Q&A: 

Favorite destination: “I have a tie here,” Maverick said. “When I did the Grand Africa Voyage, we went to Petra in Jordan, which is this 2,000-year-old ancient city. I also had the best shawarma in my life there. And then there’s Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. We were there during Carnival, and it was an amazing experience.” 

Favorite wildlife: Becky loves bald eagles and bears in Alaska.

Favorite meal on board: Jack and Bryce are all about the steak and truffle fries; Becky loves the lasagna in the dining room; and Maverick can’t get enough of the salmon, especially in Alaska. 

Favorite music club onboard: “BB King’s Blues Club! It’s always poppin’ in there,” Jack said. 

Thank you for sharing your Holland America Line story with us, Becky, Bryce, Hanna, Jack, Lily and Maverick! We wish you a safe and pleasant journey to your next destination. Stay tuned for more Catch Up with the Crew stories, featuring incredible team members and their fun cruise jobs.


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