Marghera (Venice), Italy
Activity Level
Excursion Type
Wheelchair Accessible
Starting At
Minimum Age
Information Not Currently Available
Approximately 4 Hours
Meals Included
Meals not included
after a short port bus drive from the ship to the venice maritime station, board a motor launch for a transfer to piazzale roma. from here you will cross the small bridge over the rio novo for a walking tour of venice.
narrow venetian streets lead you on foot to the scuola grande di san rocco, whose tintoretto paintings and school make it one of italy's most prized buildings. pass through campo san polo -- an enormous square dating back to the 15th century. watch for the palazzo mocenigo (designed around 1550 by san michele) and the church of san silvestro, famous for another tintoretto masterpiece, the baptism of christ.
you will reach the 1588 rialto bridge -- the first bridge to be built of solid stone after the collapse and decay of earlier wooden structures. traditional trade stalls, crowded, colorful quayside food markets and shops still border the grand canal here.
finally, walk through the calle mercerie to st mark's square to admire its beautiful basilica and bell tower from the outside.
re-board the boat for a transfer back to the venice maritime station, where you will collect your luggage and board a private bus for a transfer to the airport.